woman checking  customs duties online

Budget Wisely: Check Your Customs Duties Online with These Tips

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Obikoya Jeremiah

Last updated: 30th August, 2024

Can I check customs clearance duties for any country online?

Yes, this is possible.

Many countries have an online database that you can visit on the official websites, and search for the cost of your import or export duty.

In this article, we give you access to these databases and also show you how to use them.

Need professional help with your customs clearance? Reach out to our experts and we will help you out.

Key Details You Must Have Before Checking Customs Duty Online

To be able to accurately use these online databases  to check for your customs duty, you need to know the following:

1. Your Product HS Code:

The Harmonized System (HS) code of your product is one of the critical pieces of information you'll need to determine customs clearance duties online.

The HS code is an internationally standardised numerical method of classifying traded products. It serves as the foundation for customs authorities around the world to identify products, apply relevant tariffs, and manage trade policies.

The first 4 - 6 digits of an HS code are usually the same across all countries and represent the product category. While the other digits vary in different countries due to rules and regulation differences.

Where To Find Your Product HS Code:

You can find the HS Code for your product in the commercial invoices or any other shipping document the supplier sent to you.

If this code is not available on these documents, you need to consult your supplier or an expert customs broker.

You can reach out to our experts and we will help you with the HS code for your product in your country.

2. Your Product Description:

In addition to knowing your product’s HS code, having a clear and accurate product description is also crucial when checking customs clearance duties online.

Knowing your product description can serve as a foundation for determining the correct HS code for the product. 

However, writing the right product description for use in checking import/export duties is not always straightforward.

Let’s take a laptop for example. 

If you are checking the customs clearance duty for a laptop online using the keyword "laptop" on the official websites, you won't find a result in some countries while others might give you a list of products related to a laptop.

result you get when you enter an invalid product description to check customs duties online

The correct description for laptops is “Portable ADP machines”, that is, portable Automatic Data Processing machines.

result you get when you enter a valid product description to check customs duties online

How To Get An Accurate Product Description.

Your first go-to for this information is your supplier. 

However, most suppliers can not provide you with the exact descriptions fit for checking customs duties on the online database.

You need the help of an expert customs broker/agent who is experienced with navigating the online customs duties database to help you find the accurate product description that you can use to check the import/export duties for that product.

Let us know what your product is. We can help you here.

How to Check for Customs Clearance Duties Online

To check the customs clearance duties for your parcel/goods, you need to know either the HS Code or the accurate description of your products. You need one of these or both.

Once you have the HS Code or product description, there are two methods you can use to check the import/export duties:

METHOD 1: Using the Country’s Official Website:

In every country, there is always an official website for handling the customs clearance process making some tasks seamless for the customs authorities.

Most of these websites have a database of all products in the international trade market, including their descriptions, HS codes, customs duty rates, and other information.

There is usually a search bar on these web pages which you can use to search for your product and check its clearance duty.

HTS search bar to check customs duties online

Just enter your HS code or product description in the search bar, and there you will find the percentage of your product cost (CIF cost) that you will pay to clear that good.

HTS page result when you check customs duties online

5 Counties And The Official Website To Check Import/Export Duties Online:

Check Import/Export Duties Here
1.United State






4.United Kingdom




Need the official website for another country? Contact us and we will help you find it.

After checking your customs duty rate online, check out this article on how to calculate the total customs clearance costs to know how to use the duty rate and budget for other customs clearance costs.

METHOD 2: Using The Trade Assistant Tool:

Another method to determine your customs clearance duty is by using online tools that have access to the databases of multiple countries.

One such tool is the Trade Assistant, which is provided by the European Commission.

My Trade Assistant

You just need to enter your product description or HS Code, the country of origin and country of destination and the tool will provide you with the customs duties rate.

Note that information from 3rd party tools like this is not always 100% accurate. 

This is why we help our clients locate the official website for the country they are importing or exporting from and get accurate customs clearance duties directly from the customs authorities' online database.

Common Mistakes to Avoid When Checking Customs Duties Online

1. Relying on Outdated Information:

One of the most significant mistakes you can make when checking customs clearance duties online is relying on outdated information.

Customs regulations, tariffs, and duty rates are subject to change due to various factors, such as trade agreements, economic policies, and changes in government regulations. 

Using outdated information can lead to serious consequences, including inaccurate duty calculations, unexpected costs, and even legal issues.

This is why we don’t recommend you use any other tools to check your customs clearance duties aside from the customs official websites we listed earlier in this article.

2. Ignoring Additional Fees and Taxes:

When it comes to calculating the total customs clearance cost, customs duties are just one component of the overall cost. 

Other fees, such as value-added tax (VAT), excise duties,  inspection fees, processing fees, handling and port Fees can substantially increase the total amount payable.

Knowing how much your customs duty rate is and thinking that all you will need to pay for is a mistake you want to avoid.

You can check out our article on the breakdown of everything you would need to pay for during the customs clearance process.

3. Not Seeking Professional Assistance When Needed:

Navigating the complexities of customs clearance duties can be overwhelming, especially when you are new to international trade. 

One common mistake individuals and businesses make is not seeking professional assistance when necessary. 

Attempting to manage customs duties independently without adequate expertise can lead to errors, delays, and unexpected costs.

Get Professional Help at SARA

Yes, you can check your customs clearance duties online using the customs authorities database on their official website.

But, knowing your import/export duty is just one piece of the puzzle when you need to clear your packages from customs.

With the expertise of our customs agents at SARA, you can clear your goods efficiently and affordably, overcoming all the common customs clearance challenges.

Contact us today, and we will deliver your goods within days.

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Obikoya Jeremiah

Jeremiah Obikoya is a dedicated content writer at SARA, where he engages in daily research and development to craft innovative solutions for the procurement challenges you encounter.


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